Emma Moore an incredible artist i have been following with her incredible vocals be rocking or soft and chilled along with superb song writing craft that has been growing over the years she all so has a masters in song writing witch really shines in the track
Husbands or kids kick's of with incredible vocoder section before there is a sweet eclectic riff joined shortly by the bass backing building up to with simple tap backing for the full band comes in with Emma preforming some vocal runs with the words “ option three ” running on for significant effect the whole time backed by the real rock country sound pulsing throughout and then the phrase kids running on again for stunning effect then dropping out slightly with super eclectic strum be fore its back to more those incredible lyrics back just a kick and snare back by some excellent blues and electric riffs build up with stunning long pedal steal riff running up and down moving to some electric riffs and the words kids and three and jaded running on with a short spectacular vocal run before the words with a super long vocal run before we head in to short but perfect guitar solo section kicking back in with some stunning fast paced lyrics from Emma backed by an excellent electric riff and toms with slight hint of a vocoder the lyrics "its the complicated and jaded" feature short but excellent vocal runs and more of that fast paced full band action leading to the end.
Husbands of kids an excellent full band country-rock track showcasing Emma 's excellent songwriting craft with short and long vocal runs just perfect emphasising the major lyrics in this track and stunning up and down pedal steel part halfway through this the first single from her fourth coming EP if this kicks it you know it is going to be incredible