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An Interview with Two Ways Home

Last summer I caught up with Two Ways Home at Wolverhampton Country Night.

Keren - Hi, tonight for Forever British Country I am interviewing Two Ways Home. Who are you?

Two Ways Home - Hello I'm Izzy and I'm Lewis

Keren - Where abouts are you in the country?

Izzy - We're based in London but I'm originally from Austria

Lewis - I'm originally from the West Midlands - Stratford Upon Avon

Keren - Oh right

Lewis - That's fairly close to Wolverhampton

Keren - It is. Its not far at all. So how long have you guys been together as a band?

Izzy - Its been about 5 years but the new names Two Ways Home has only existed for about two and a half years.

Lewis - but we have been writing music together before then and just been to open mic nights and hadn't really figured out exactly the kind of music we wanted to make. Once we had, we had a name and it went from there.

Two Ways Home did a lot of festivals last year. They bought out their 3rd EP last summer. Also they bought out a single in November.

Keren - So if you were to take a none country song and put a country twist on it, what song would you choose?

Izzy - We always do this. In fact we have done quite a few.

Lewis - We played a headline show and took 'Slow Hands' by Niall Horan which is a song that is in the charts at the moment that we quite like it has quite a groovy vibe , and we changed that up into a 3 part harmony eagles esque country version of that.

Keren - Oh lovely are you going to sing that tonight?

Izzy - No I don't think so.

Lewis - On Friday night we had our other guitarist Michael Clancy and the arrangement is perfect with 3 but we haven't quite had the chance to hone it for 2. We have loads of songs anyway so we are going to have to cut quite a few out tonight.

Keren - I am looking forward to tonight cos I saw you at FSA but I didn't hear you properly if you know what I mean cos you get people talking to you all the time.

Izzy - Yeah

Lewis - A gig's very different to a festival I think.

Keren - I like a festival because you can see who you like then make plans to go and see them which is good. A try before you buy (laughs) Thanks very much for chatting to me guys. I look forward to seeing you perform at Bantock House in about half an hour.

Izzy - Thank you.

Lewis - Our pleasure.

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